Moving Into Spring!!!
Birchtree is showcasing some early Spring arrivals.
You will definitely want to try them on and be ready for the gorgeous days ahead!
As our Winter Sale winds down, there's still time to pick up a few cozy pieces.
Please Note: Our Winter Hours are in effect until April 1st:
Open Friday through Monday from 11 am to 5 pm.
Closed Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

It isn’t enough just looking for the quality in the products we buy, we must ensure that there is quality in the lives of the people who make them.
- Orsola De Castro
Birchtree Fashions for Women began in 1980 as a small boutique in the heart of Woodstock, New York. Over the years Eliana has woven her interests in organic food and sustainable living into her purchasing choices for the store, working with companies that are environmentally conscious and produce ethically sourced and dyed clothing. Now, more than ever, because of the demands of strong women consumers, we are able to find eco-conscious suppliers that are primarily USA-based and also women’s fair trade cooperatives from other countries.